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Mind Power

Little Known Secret For Permanent Weight Loss

  Let’s face it a lot of us are looking to lose a few extra pounds. And with the numbers of obese people rising, particularly in Western countries, dieting programs and weight loss books and products have become really popular.   There are over one billion obese adults in the world. Obesity is known to cause a range of health problems from high blood pressure to Type 2 diabetes. We… Read More »Little Known Secret For Permanent Weight Loss

Profit From Your Weight Loss Journey

Profit From Your Weight Loss Journey

Want to make some extra money while you get in good shape? Blogging about your weight loss journey can be rewarding and fun. At times, it may feel like a drag. This is especially the case when you’re feeling down and disappointed because of setbacks. During times like these it may seem tough to blog about what you’re experiencing  because you’re already not in the mood… and it’s especially during… Read More »Profit From Your Weight Loss Journey

Positive Prime

Light Up Your Performance With Positive Prime

Want to feel better and improve your performance, focus, energy, health and mood in 3 minutes flat? Positive Prime is the ultimate app for that. Here’s how it works… You won’t believe how fast, easy and effective it is. Positive Prime is a powerful fusion of meditation, hypnotherapy, and open eye meditation where you simply sit down, watch a “session” and reap the benefits immediately. And the benefits will stay… Read More »Light Up Your Performance With Positive Prime

Birthday Top Ten List

Ten Birthday Reflections

It’s my birthday weekend… time to celebrate another turn around the sun! And for me it’s always a time to reflect on what’s been working and what needs to be revisited in my life. That’s one of the joys of being a summer baby… it’s kind of a mid year review. So as I’m celebrating another trip around the sun I’ve made a note of my top ten tips that… Read More »Ten Birthday Reflections

Ready To Lose That Weight

Here’s The Perfect Solution If You Want To Lose Weight

Are you ready to take your health and fitness to the next level? And to finally get rid of those extra pounds for once and for all. For those of you who are serious about getting in shape and who are ready to take things up to the next level, supplements can be the secret weapon that power up your results.  The supplement industry is booming and for good reason. Every… Read More »Here’s The Perfect Solution If You Want To Lose Weight

The Real Secret To An Amazing Life

Want to make your life a place of absolute magic and dreams come true? Who doesn’t? There’s a simple secret that will take you there and the great news is that it doesn’t cost a dime. To really make things happen and to have them go your way you need to adjust your thinking… Now obviously thinking positively alone doesn’t mean that everything will be rainbows and unicorns but when… Read More »The Real Secret To An Amazing Life

Plan Your Holiday

Here Comes Summer… How To Stay On Track

Summer has finally arrived and you’ve been training and working hard to be beach ready and in great shape for it. Here’s some great easy tips so you can stay on track and keep those great results coming. And still have fun while you’re doing it! It can can be very tempting to abandon your good sense of healthy eating on vacation.  Although you may strive for healthy eating if… Read More »Here Comes Summer… How To Stay On Track

Motivation Sparkles

8 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Motivation

If you’re looking to find a way to really get things done, create positive change and make some exciting things happen in your life here’s eight powerful secrets that will help you to boost your motivation so you can make it happen in a hurry. Change is never easy and sometimes just getting started is the hardest part. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to lose weight, have a cleaner… Read More »8 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Motivation

The Distraction Factor

The Distraction Factor

Let’s face it, everyone is busy in this hectic rush rush world but we need to stop and take sometime to focus on ourselves and the people in our lives. Our health is suffering and it’s time to stop rushing and to begin creating some meal time rituals that are good for us. It’s been the norm for quite some time now to eat meals and snack in front of the… Read More »The Distraction Factor

Set Yourself Up For The Win!

Setting Yourself Up For The Win!

  How you set up your weight loss goals is literally the difference in winning and losing. When you set them up right you’ll achieve the results you want with grace and ease. But if you set them up incorrectly, you can end up not losing the weight you want, becoming frustrated or possibly even gaining some back in the process. That’s definitely not a step in the right direction… Read More »Setting Yourself Up For The Win!